
Tangible Tool - Receiving Community
By Jennifer Urezzio · 7 years ago
I have been witnessing something. We think we are connecting and yet, most of us are truly afraid to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is what drives receiving community. We are living in a world that is ...
7 Tips To Inspire Your Destiny and Life Purpose
By Kimberley Martinez · 7 years ago
Are you happy with your current situation in life? Your answers could range from yes, no, maybe; then you start pondering and have these strange thoughts that have been recurring every time you ask yourself ...
To Risk Or Not To Risk, That Is THE Question!
By Bill Treasurer · 7 years ago
To live is to risk. Risk-taking is as essential to life as breathing. It is the oxygen of such things as innovation, entrepreneurialism, leadership, wealth creation, and high adventure. Without risk, there can be no ...
Let's Change The World
By Égzeus Belial · 7 years ago
The world is changing and the speed of changes is increasing every day. With the enormous flow of information and spread of knowledge is changing our society and our lives in an amazing way. Governments ...
If Seal Is Broken... (Might as Well Laugh)
By Karyn Buxman · 8 years ago
Everywhere I look, there is some reminder of the upcoming election. (There's a job I won't be signing up for!) But then it struck me-sometimes, being a nurse is like being President. No. Air Force ...
How to Co-Create with the How
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
The first step is to understand, in a deeper way, your sacred purpose (some people call this your purpose, mission or simply why am I on this planet at this time). Once you have a ...
Learning to Love
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
One of my favorite songs to sing is – Say Something. One of the lyrics is: I’m still learning to love, Just starting to crawl. And, that is truly what being in the consciousness of ...
Ready, Set, Let Go
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
There is a falsity about letting things go...we sometimes believe that if we let something go, we will never have to let it go again...wrong! Some situations and beliefs "need" to be let go in ...
Convenient Mistruths
By Nan Russell · 8 years ago
The subject line of the email read: "We met at ..." and the name of a conference where I'd recently spoken. Thinking it was from someone who attended my session, I opened it sooner versus ...
The 3 P`s for Success
By Daniel Dunoo · 8 years ago
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success" –Napoleon Hill. While a Marketing student about a decade ago, we were taught the 4 P’s in our first year and later taught the 7 ...
What Makes You Want to Pray?
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
When do you stop to pray or connect with the Divine? Is it when you are in struggle, to give thanks, and/or all the time? I know how powerful prayer and conversation with the Divine ...
Are You Spiritually Depressed?
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
I love the woowoo. I live in the woowoo, and I have also been in a place where I resent the woowoo. And, you know what? As spiritual beings in spiritual circles, we can often ...
5 Practices to Staying Connected while Living Your Life
By Jennifer Urezzio · 8 years ago
The question I receive most often from people is, "How do I stay connected and conscious in my everyday life?" My answer is simple and complex – it’s a practice. 1. Practice the pause. In ...
The Pain of Beginning Again
By Kelly Jennings · 8 years ago
The Pain of Beginning Again Let's face it there are times that we all have had to start all over. The idea of beginning something again can be terrifying. The thought of all the efforts ...
Are You A Consistent Individual?
By Michele Hughes · 9 years ago
What is a consistent individual? In my opinion, it is a person who lives their life in an orderly manner. Is your life organized and disciplined? What motivates you to do better? Do you realize ...
Finding Purpose In Life
By Carla Khabbaz · 10 years ago
Your Own Worst Enemy It can be hard to realize that you are sabotaging yourself as you try to achieve the life goals that you aspire to. However, self-sabotage is one of the more common ...
In Praise of Imperfection: Accepting Your Flaws
By Karen Hood-Caddy · 10 years ago
I don’t know why we all get so hung up on trying to hide or eradicate our flaws. We all have imperfections. Yet, we are often so intent on covering them up. Doing this is ...
3 Types of Assumptions That Could Be Holding You Back
By Andrea Novakowski · 10 years ago
"I can’t possibly do this. It’s too hard." "This isn’t worth my time. It’s too easy." Do you frequently find yourself making judgments like these? If so, you may be a victim of your assumptions. ...
The Art of Self Motivation: 7 Ways to Keep the Positive Energies Flowing
By David Weitzman · 10 years ago
The Art of Self Motivation: 7 Ways to Keep the Positive Energies Flowing We all have days when it is an absolute struggle just to get out of bed. We wish we can simply sleep ...
Prayers for Boston
By Kevin Mcnamara · 10 years ago
The tragic death of 8 year old Martin Richard in the Boston Marathon Bombings has effected the entire world. We need prayers for Boston. To think that such a tragedy could occur at the running ...