
Your Mental Health In The Context Of TASER Weapons, Stun Guns, Pepper Sprays And Self Defense Products In General
By Dan Reyes · 12 years ago
How much would you like to achieve personal growth and fulfillment? How much do you value your self-esteem? How much do you value your love and belongingness necessities? And what does all that have to ...
Don't Pop the Pimple
By Paula Andrea Pyle · 12 years ago
We none want to be here. In the midst of all the possible effectual luring, substantiated commitments, and convincing amicable distractions, we still exist as unsettled, dissatisfied manifestations of deeply unresolved confusion. We awake in ...
Get your feeling back with hidden messages
By George Izzo · 12 years ago
When people are physically sick, they usually go to the doctor and have their bodies assessed for whatever pain or sickness they have. When people are mentally or emotionally disturbed, they usually go to a ...
Relationship Development
By Shimil Varghese · 12 years ago
Introduction: Man is a social animal. No one can lead a happy life without social relations. All types of relationships include sweet and sore. It is the way we perceive things which makes relations fruitful ...
Survival Strategies for Living with An Alcoholic
By Felice Block · 12 years ago
Millions of people suffer every day as a result of a family member who is an alcoholic. In the year 2000, the American Journal of Public Health reported approximately one in four children under the ...
Relationship Abuse: What Is It?
By Felice Block · 12 years ago
Does your partner do any of the following: hurt or injure you, emotionally, physically or spiritually, force sexual activity on you, use hurtful or insulting language, or repeatedly tries to make you mistrust what you ...
Preventing Back to School Blues
By Felice Block · 12 years ago
Those lazy days of summer are over. In my nearly 22 years of working with families, I repeatedly hear parents complain, "My child won't do his or her homework. The scene at home starts when ...
New Year's Resolutions: Why Are They So Hard to Keep?
By Felice Block · 12 years ago
As if the pressures of the holidays aren't enough, many of us top off the season with even more pressure - New Year's resolutions. Dale Berry of Self Help Magazine states that fewer than 30% ...
Finding Meaning in the Virginia Tech Massacre
By Felice Block · 12 years ago
As a child of Holocaust Survivors, I know too well the results of insane acts of evil. The only sense I can make of my own family's tragedy is to validate history and work towards ...
Memory Improvement: Keeping A Happy Mind
By Robinson Luke · 12 years ago
Memory improvement has a lot to do with keeping healthy, in terms of a good diet and keeping physically active. However, did you know that keeping happy is also beneficial for the memory? There are ...
Making Certain of Compatibility
By Marie Malacaman · 12 years ago
Most people might laugh about it and some might go on to the other extreme, but yet astrological compatibility really is a subject most have found regardless if many of them are really loath to ...
The Essence About Astrological Compatibility
By Marie Malacaman · 12 years ago
In almost any relationship-personal or maybe professional-compatibility is a must. Personal affairs for example, needs compatibility in its many complex components. This is the reason each time looking into many parts of personal psychological bonds, ...
Leo 20 - sabian astrology in 7 words
By James Burgess · 12 years ago
Zuni Sun Worshippers is the Sabian Symbol for the 20th degree of Leo. Here it is described using the 7 Words System - a way of understanding the complexity of human interactions that can be ...
Capricorn 16 - sabian astrology in 7 words
By James Burgess · 12 years ago
Kids in Gym Suits is the Sabian Symbol for the 16th degree of Capricorn. Here it is described using the 7 Words System - a way of understanding the complexity of human interactions that can ...
Capricorn 11 - sabian astrology in 7 words
By James Burgess · 12 years ago
Large Group of Pheasants is the Sabian Symbol for the 11th degree of Capricorn. Here it is described using the 7 Words System - a way of understanding the complexity of human interactions that can ...
Learning to Attract Luck Kindness or Love Into Your Life
By Roseanna Leaton · 12 years ago
Almost every child is furnished with a copy of Aesop's Fables to read and appreciate during the course of growing up. Some of those fables we remember vividly whilst others fade to the dim recesses ...
Cancer 16 - sabian astrology in 7 words
By James Burgess · 12 years ago
Holding a Manuscript is the Sabian Symbol for the 16th degree of Cancer. Here it is described using the 7 Words System - a way of understanding the complexity of human interactions that can be ...
Depression: The Ten Common Symptoms Revealed
By Molly Glennie · 12 years ago
Each year approximately 9. 5 percent of the population is affected with depression. Depression is really a grave sickness that affects daily life as well as destroys households. It is really a disorder which controls ...
5 Hints on Picking a Counselor or Therapist
By Nacy Mcclure · 12 years ago
Maybe you're living with anxiety or depression or perhaps your discovering troubles with your partner and you are thinking of individual counseling or relationship counseling. Listed here are five wonderful tips to make sure you ...
OCD Coaching: A New Option In Treatment
By Burke Ferguson · 12 years ago
OCD Coaching: A New Option In Treatment OCD Coaching is something that is becoming more popular as a form of treatment for those suffering from this disorder. People with OCD often are aware of how ...